As governors, we are all fully committed to working as part of the Rockcliffe First School family.
Through informed and critical challenge we support staff and pupils, encouraging and enabling everyone to fulfil their potential and to maintain the school’s outstanding success.
There are currently 14 governors with a balance of elected, appointed and co-opted members and made up of parents, staff, Local Authority, North Tyneside Learning Trust and associates. We meet 4 times a year as a full governing body. In addition we meet in sub-committees at least termly to consider Finance and Staffing, Curriculum, Premises, Health and Safety, Communications and Admissions items with a further committee overseeing the school’s Out of School Club. Governors also take on areas of specific responsibility such as HT Performance Management, SEND, Child Protection, H&S, Early Years and the different areas of the curriculum. Safeguarding is the responsibility of all governors and is on the agenda of every committee meeting.
We bring a wealth of expertise from education, retail, community arts, health and safety, SEND, research psychology, university student support, Historic England and the Crown Prosecution Service. As governors we take part in training to further develop our understanding and ability to fulfil our role. We are often in and around school as parents, visiting, attending meetings or helping out with classroom and extra-curricular activities and we can always be contacted through school.